Created October 17, 2024
Responsible department: Mercer XLab
Overview of S104 PCB Prototyping
↓ This procedure lists the step-by-step process of milling a 4-layer PCB prototype using the LPKF Protomat S104 and associated Circuit Pro Software.
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Gerber file: Gerber files store all of the shape and location data for every element in a printed circuit board layout. In general, each layer in your PCB layout data will be placed into its own Gerber file. The idea is that individual layers can be used to prepare stencils for each step in the fabrication and assembly process. In some cases, such as creating drill drawings or Gerber fabrication drawings, multiple layers can be merged into a single file by mirroring mechanical layers into your Gerber outputs.
In terms of the data that gets stored in a Gerber file, the data in a Gerber file is human-readable, although not necessarily human interpretable. Gerber file data is stored in an ASCII text file and it includes the following four elements:
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DXF file: DXF (Drawing Interchange Format, or Drawing Exchange Format) is a CAD data file format for enabling data interoperability between CAD and other programs. CAD DXF files are commonly used in PCB design and PCB manufacturing.
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BOA: Board outline file to be used by the program
Drills: File that defines the drill-bits to be used by the program
TOP: File that defines the top of the board to be used by the program
BOTTOM: File that defines the bottom of the board to be used by the program
Fiducials: The reference points that the program needs for accurate mapping
Contour Routing: a process to cut out the final PCB from the surrounding material
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